A Blogging Apology

Due to being occupied with our family yesterday, I only had time to quickly publish two posts already in draft, and reply to a handful of comments.

Today, I am trying to reply to all the comments left yesterday, but as I also have had to take Ollie out and soon head off for the supermarket ‘Big Shop’, I have not managed to read and comment on everyone’s blog posts for the 11th.

Sorry about that. I will be back on course soon, and the second part of the new serial will be posted this evening.

29 thoughts on “A Blogging Apology

  1. We are more than willing to wait on you Pete .. do not worry… we will always be here for you…off point for a second …I have now finished my Blog Roll over at Blogger –it is working fine…Please send me a message and tell me when you get this post and then I will know that we can talk back and forth. Thank you.

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