Back, but not quite

I returned from the short holiday yesterday, and I am happy to report that it was a success. It didn’t rain, and it was bright and sunny every day until Friday, when it turned cool in a strong sea breeze. In fact, the small ‘cabin’ was so nice, I have booked it again for the same week next year. Let’s hope I am still around to enjoy it!

Unfortunately, I am not able to keep up with any blog posts that arrived while I was away, and have had to delete all the notifications in a very packed email folder. I wil do my best to start from scratch next Monday. Next week I will also compile all the parts of the last serial, ‘Vera’s Life’, into one complete story.

The dining area floor is being laid from tomorrow, so I have a couple of days of disruption to deal with first.


Ollie adjusted well to the change. He particularly enjoyed the good-sized porch, which enabled him to watch the world go by in the hotel garden. Almost everyone had a dog, and that gave him some canine friends to check out too. Once his bed was placed outside on that porch, he would happily lay on it all day, just watching the comings and goings. Anyone interested in seeing what they are like can use this photo gallery link.
However, his lack of energy and vitality is becoming increasingly apparent every day now. A three-mile walk on a warm day along the seafront to the next town of Mablethorpe almost wiped him out, and we had to bring him back on a bus. His first bus journey!

These photos taken on a phone show him looking his age, and upset me greatly.

From now on, his regular walks are going to have to be a lot shorter, and he will be in need of more attention and affection.

As for me, the break made me realise just how much time I spend blogging, to the detriment of everything else I should be doing. I am rethinking my future about blogging, and may be posting considerably less in the weeks to come.

Best wishes to all, Pete.

80 thoughts on “Back, but not quite

  1. We’re so happy to see you had a good holiday, Pete. My heart goes out to you all when I see the photos of dear Ollie. There comes a time when suddenly age makes a great leap with dogs, that’s how I have experienced it and obviously it’s happening to Ollie too. Three miles are quite long though. Shorter walks and a good life will hopefully give you several years together.
    As for blogging, we have reduced blogging to every fortnight. It means less attention, followers and things like that, but we lead a life that we enjoy without the strain “have to blog” and it works well – for us, it does.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We lost one dog about a month ago. I know what you mean about realising your dog is older. I hope you and Ollie have many many more times ahead. I have thought about the time blogging takes too. I am still working, and have my mom and grandchildren to visit -and my dog!! Well, you get it. I am always behind in reading and hardly can leave a comment!( I loved Vera!) Take care of yourself. ;ove Michele

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to hear that you enjoyed ‘Vera’s Life’, Michele. It was a labour of love for me to write that serial, based on my family and neighbours who endured the war in London.
      So sorry to hear about your dog.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  3. I can empathize with the sudden realization that we are living with an old dog. Ours is 13 and definitely slowing down. I am glad to read you how ever often your write and comment. I disagree with one of the earlier commentators though in calling this a virtual world. Playing video games is a virtual world. Connecting with real people around the world is real.

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  4. I’m so glad you had a nice vacation, including good weather. Time away from the computer really makes us ponder how we spend our time, and how much ‘life’ we are missing by blogging too much. I want to cut back, too. Now that the school year has started I have even less time. I think Ollie looks great, just older. It is much harder to walk on sand, so that three mile walk was far harder for Ollie than a three mile walk back in Beetley. Best to you, Pete. I hope the flooring goes well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He was walking on a concrete promenade, Jennie, not sand. I suspect he didn’t like that hard surface after he is used to only walking on grass. I think quite a few of us have to think about how much time we spend blogging at the expense of other things we should be doing. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It must have been the hard surface for Ollie. Sand would have been worse. This is akin to a woman who wears high heels for the first time (been there). Yes, many of us have to think about our time spent blogging. I thought you were cutting back? I am trying. When wonderful things happen at school, important things, it is hard to do. Best to you, Pete.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad to hear you enjoyed your break, even happier to know the weather was good 🙂 I like the look of those chalets, I’ll have to build one 🙂
    I’m sure Ollie has a way to go yet, just slowing down. Our Jackie had a spell of a month of not going out, but more recently she has found a new lease of life and is running around like a pup again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers, Eddy. Your girls would like the ladder up to the little loft room. Great fun for kids. I am hoping that Ollie is going to liven up when the weather gets colder, but time will tell.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  6. Great post Pete 🙂 Cute pictures of Ollie as usual 🙂 I am also glad that you enjoyed your vacation 🙂 Hopefully, it was not like the experiences of those two main characters in Mike Leigh’s Nuts in May? A little joke and reference there 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Dear Ollie… You’ll both have to take things a bit easier, but if he carries on enjoying himself, even if it is at a slower pace, that is good.
    I know what you mean about blogging and doing other things. There is more to life, and I am tired of spending a lot of time in front of a computer.
    Look after yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s understandable when you give your heart to an avocation that it can become obsessive. I do think it’s wrong when the virtual world becomes more important than the real one. It’s a danger. That’s a tough line to walk on. I fail at times. Just remember about blogging: you don’t owe anyone anything! Either have fun with or take a break.
    Take care of yourself, my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. OMG, did you party hardy and guzzle lots of wine at Hotel Bacchus?
    Your absence was kind of a blessing. I smashed a finger in a friend’s car door last week, so it’s hard to type with the other nine. You know how much typing is involved when I comment on your serials…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wine was indeed enjoyed at the appropriately named hotel, David. Even though I actually bought most of it from a local shop. But there were no parties, as the bar closed quite early. It’s a very sleepy town! You can rest your finger until it has healed, as it will be some time before another serial appears.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  10. So glad you had a great vacation, looks like a wonderful place to stay. Ollie does look a bit spent in the picture, I guess we all are aging, I just wish we had our pets longer. Enjoy all of the time you have remaining with him and take care of yourself too. Even if you cut back on your blogging by half you would be posting more than the rest of us. It never hurts to reevaluate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much, Susanne. Yes, poor Ollie has aged dramatically in such a short time. I need to spend more quality time with him that doesn’t involve just walking around locally. It is hard to imagine life with him not around, but hopefully we will have a good long time left together.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Looks like a lovely location. I have missed your voice here, but I do understand the pull to focus on this closer to home. I think animals sense our emotions and I am sure Ollie feels it, too. There is something about the sea air that is almost too relaxing at times. Ollie might just be happy to be home.

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  12. I’m glad you had a relaxing time Pete and those cabins look lovely. Ollie does look tired. Maybe now that you’re back from vacation and the work at the house seems to be wrapping up, maybe he’ll recoup. As for the blogging, there’s no question you put a lot of time and effort into your daily posts. You know you’re one of my favorite bloggers, and I look forward to reading whenever you post.

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  13. I’m glad you had a wonderful and relaxing time, Pete. As to blogging: even without having on a “vacation from blogging” I am fully aware that I am spending too much time blogging. So I can fuly understand you. So just take your time.
    I hope that Ollie will be able to spend many more years with you, even if it’s not with long walks. Give that old boy a nice pat on his back from me.

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  14. happy to hear you had a successful break, Pete. Ollie is simply a delight. the cabins are very charming and i can picture Ollie on the porch watching the world go by. glad to see you back! 🙂

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  15. Glad that you had a lovely time, I checked the links and the cabins with the verandas look really nice. A lovely place to sit with your pal Ollie and watch the world go by. I’m sorry to hear that Ollie is showing his senior years now, I hope you both have a long time left to enjoy each other’s company. I was always amazed at how much blogging and tweeting you manage to get done, so I can understand you needing to pare it back to a more manageable level. I’ll look forward to your posts whenever they show up. Welcome Home Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. I’m so pleased you had a good holiday. It´s not necessary to post a lot of articles on your blog. I limit mine to one or two a week. Otherwise, I would not get anything done! Give Ollie a cuddle from me.

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  17. You’re looking good Ollie boy and it’s great to see you back Pete. So glad to know you enjoyed your short vacation. One need not blog every day (although that is my dream nowadays), do what you need to prioritize.

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  18. First of all, I am very happy to hear that you had a great time at the hotel where you and Ollie went for awhile. I am sad to hear that Ollie’s age is catching up to him. I can well understand how you would love that dog. I hate to even think of him as a dog. More like a hairy child. And as to your blogging future — please reconsider that … so many people appreciate you and I am included in that number.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, John. I have let so many things go because of the amount of time I spend on my blog. Whatever I decide, I will still be around the other blogs I follow. And I have just followed your new blog.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  19. Oh, poor Ollie, he looks really very tired.
    But nice that you had a good week and that you made it back home safely.

    I’m not a regular reader, but I really like your blog. But if it takes too much time, you have to do less. Julie and Ollie are more important than the blog community.
    Best wishes, Irene

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  20. I’m so pleased to hear the break was good. The cabins looks lovely and I could picture Ollie in his bed on the veranda watching the world go by. Sorry to hear he is beginning to show his age (how did he enjoy his first bus ride?) and up for his usual long walks. I guess you have to be led by him and his needs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mary. Poor Ollie’s ‘slow-down’ was more obvious than ever. He was okay on the bus, but wouldn’t sit down. 🙂 (It was only 10 minutes, fortunately)
      I hope you are doing alright, dear Mary.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  21. It’s great to see you back here again Pete, and I’m very happy to hear that your time off has been a succes.
    I can definitely imagine you being upset about Ollie. He’s one tough dog though, and I can only hope he will still be with your for a long time. We all get older, even dogs, doesn’t mean though that we are ready to pack it in yet: and I’m sure that will be the case with Ollie too😊
    As for blogging, having been back now for a few weeks, and my health nog being what it is, I know what you mean about how much time it costs. Now that I’m back to work, I have less time on my hands a you know. In order for me to blog about things, I also need time to watch/read stuff 😅 So yeah cutting down on blogging time myself too.
    As for you though: you have been an amazing presence here for a very long time, and incredibly supportive for every blogger that follows you. All I can say is that no matter what you decide, and how much or less time you spent her: we all support you! 😀 You definitely deserve all the credits and it’s also sometimes good to think about yourself. Your blog is terrific, and fun to read, but real life is even more important. So really no worry about us: just post whatever you feel comfortable with 😊😊😊

    Liked by 5 people

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