Guests Posts: Another Try

The last time I offered to host guest posts on this blog, the response was rather lukewarm.

Not downhearted, I have decided to make that offer once again, whether to new bloggers, experienced bloggers, and anyone who has previously had a guest post on here. It is not time-limited, so if you want to write something specifically for the guest post, you can send it at leisure.

I will advise you of the ‘rules’ once again.

1) You must be an existing follower of my blog, or follow me on Twitter. @beetleypete
2) Feel free to promote one of your books. But NO SELLING of products please.
3) Post to be under 3,000 words, preferably less than 2,000.
4) Any images or photos to be small files only.
5) No bad language or blatant racist and sexual references. This is a family blog.
6) No religion please.

*If you do not want your real name used on the post, please make this clear to me*

Your post will not be edited or corrected by me, so please check it before sending.

All posts will be left on my blog permanently, and shared on Twitter the day of publication.

Please add a short bio, and a photo of yourself if you want one shown.
(Up to you)

The post can be about anything you choose. There is no ‘theme’.

Please send the text AS AN EMAIL (not a Word Document) to
Please send any images separately, to the same email address.
If you are promoting a book, please add full buying links, as well as a photo of the cover.

When the post has been accepted, I will send you a link to it, and would expect you to engage with any comments received. If for any reason I do not accept the post, I will email you with my reasons why.

Over to you!

68 thoughts on “Guests Posts: Another Try

  1. I am printing out this post and putting it in my homework folder! Would be ok to use a post that I have already used on my blog or would you prefer something fresh? Thank you for the opportunity!
    I am attempting this as well but for now privately taking to people that I know personally. I look forward to working with you on this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been thinking for some time now of asking you kindly if you would share my recovery story on your blog. There’s about 12-13 chapters to it so far, the only downside is that it’s nowhere near finished. It’s not something I can add to often as it brings back a lot of memories. I know it’s not for everyone but will hopefully see. Please let me know what you think Pete 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I would certainly do that for you, Ami. How long are the chapters? Do you think it should be serialised, or could we post a long introduction with links, and invite others to read the rest on your blog? Let me know your thoughts. x
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A generous offer, Pete, especially as you didn’t get much take up last time. I have done a guest post in the past which generated a lot of responses (and I think that was when Fraggle and I started following each other’s blogs). I’ll have a think and get back to you.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I am interested. In fact, I thought about it this morning and have a whole post in my head already. We are traveling, but I will email it to as per your instructions within a couple weeks. Thanks for the opportunity.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I hope you get a better response this time, Pete. I’m afraid I’ll be on and off line too much the next few weeks at least to be able to do one. My apologies.

    Liked by 1 person

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