New Year: Same Blog?

I don’t make new year resolutions. Every time I have done so in the past, they have failed miserably. Even when I just say something innocent, like “I will get round to that next year”, before I know it, that year has passed, and I didn’t do whatever it was.

2019 will be my seventh year of blogging, with the anniversary in the summer. Over the past few weeks, I am pleased to report my highest consistent daily views ever, with lots of very welcome comments on posts too. With that in mind, I am not planning any huge changes in the way I present this blog, or the content I post about.

As always, posts about Ollie remain popular, and my fiction pieces have a small but loyal following too. Adding photos to any post gives it an immediate boost, and although my series on songs and music are dear to my heart, they undoubtedly attract the least interest. That’s understandable. Musical taste is very personal. Blogging tips and opinions are by far the most popular subject. As I say repeatedly here, bloggers do love to read about blogging.

Two weeks into this new year, I have decided that change is not necessary. As Wellington said of the French Army at Waterloo, I will “Keep on coming on, in the same old way”.

If you are happy for my blog to stay the same, there’s no need to comment. If you have the opposite opinion, and would dearly love to see less of some things, and more of others, let me know. And if there’s something you really dislike, feel free to tell me that too.

I won’t promise to do anything about it, but I would be very interested to know.

57 thoughts on “New Year: Same Blog?

  1. If it ain’t broke, Pete, don’t fix it. I don’t get to your blog as often as I would like, but when I do I am never disappointed. Just picking up on an earlier comment (the name ‘Elizabeth’ caught my eye! 😀) , I liked the creepy story so keep them coming as far as I’m concerned… you could always have a health warning at the beginning. All the best, Elizabeth

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your kind words. Yes, she didn’t like my last serial, but that’s OK. It had a child murder in it, and many people are not comfortable with such things.
      I will carry on in the usual way, I am sure. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.


  2. I would say that the only thing you should change about your blog is not to ever again worry about changing anything. You’re doing just fine. Otherwise Ollie would have written one of those scandalous tell-all memoirs long ago.
    – Saki

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  3. Your blog is great. I wouldn’t change a thing! Your blog has lots of variety and I think it’s fair to say there’s something here for everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like the variety. I love almost all of your fiction, though the last one was too creepy for me and was the first one I didn’t finish. I also like your other blog and look forward to reading about your response to the latest Brexit situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry that last one was too creepy for you. I get a lot of ‘creepy’ ideas for fiction, for some reason.
      I usually resist the worst ones, but this time I ‘let it out’. Brexit is driving us all crazy. I could write about it every day, but that would make me depressed! 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. You may have seen that Mrs May lost the vote on the deal, by the biggest ever margin in the history of UK politics. But she’s still banging on about it being ‘the best deal’, and refusing to resign. After tonight’s vote of no confidence decision, I may well be writing more about it on my other blog tomorrow. 🙂
          Best wishes, Pete.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. I started blogging after a suggestion from a friend. He thought it would keep my brain active in retirement, and help document my move from big city life in London, to a quiet rural life here in Norfolk. But it got out of hand. First becoming a hobby, then almost a way of life. I met so many great people, and continue to do so. Some of them have become genuine friends, and the community draws me in daily.
      So Andrew, to answer your question properly, I expected it to last a few months. Now I am almost 67, and I will only stop when I am mentally (or physically) incapable of doing so. Or if I just drop dead, or don’t wake up one morning. If that happens, everyone will probably think I have just got fed up, as I will not be around to explain why I am no longer here. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Hamstall. I love ‘Blackadder’, and have the whole thing on DVD box set. Fry’s nose was perfect for Wellington. 🙂 But I loved him as General Melchet. I will do more on books eventually, and lots of films too.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  5. The thing is, Pete, that you are a truly wonderful friend and you have brought a lot of light and joy to my heart with your stories, your songs and your adventures with Ollie. Change nothing! You are so appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Even though I unfortunately am not here as much as I would want to be, I do know one thing: your blog is awesome, and so are you. The fun thing about your blog is the fact that it contains so much diversity…and that’s why I enjoy it so much. You have something for everyone …in other words: Don’t change a thing, and keep on doing what you are doing. I hope, as soon as my health is back in shape…which unfortunately might still be a while, I will be back here more and you can find me again commenting as I used to do 😊Take care Pete, and best of luck to you and your blog! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Yeah, it’s not even the busy part, but the health part. My stomache problems are still the same and today I’ve learned that I will be getting a stomache examination in 3-4 weeks (wish it was sooner, as it’s not something I’m looking forward to). But I’m hanging in there and am trying to check in every once in a while here 😊 I hope to be back as soon as they determine what’s wrong and cure it😊 Thanks as always for your kind words as well Pete😊

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Pete, always enjoy whatever you share, but have particular enjoyed the tours of the area with photos, a bit of history and trivia – I am doing more of that as well, and enjoy sharing unique parts of the world…oh, and next time you go out to a nice dinner of mussels, post a photo!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have a thing about ‘dinner photos’, John. I see so many people taking snaps of their meals, I have never got my head around it. I hasten to add that in your case, you make it into a ‘culinary tour de force’. 🙂
      Thanks for your thoughts about my blog. If we get another good summer, I hope to post some more local photo trips.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. My favorite posts are those dealing with how times have changed. But I also enjoy reading about daily life in Beetley, anything that focuses on Ollie, and your excellent crime serials. My range of taste in music is far narrower than yours.

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  9. I enjoy reading your blog, but I wouldn’t mind more of the posts introducing new (to me) bloggers. Blog rolls don’t really exist like they used to, and it’s harder to find vetted blogs with overlapping interests/styles that are similar to blogs one likes to read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get that, Narphagus. I will endeavour to find more recommendations for you in the coming months. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.
      (If you hover over the photos to the bottom right of my page, they will show the bloggers who have liked or commented on my posts. If they have a site, that is. Best to avoid those that claim to be Internet Marketers, as they are just selling stuff.)

      Liked by 1 person

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